what are cenotes?
Wondering what in the world are Cenotes? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Pronounced “seh-no-tey”, a Cenote refers to an underground chamber or cave which contains permanent water. In other words, it is a natural sinkhole where the ceiling of the cave has collapsed. This amazing natural occurrence on this scale is only found in Mexico.
Why is the Yucatan, Mexico so special? The entire slab of bedrock that the Yucatan sits on is limestone. Limestone is soluble in water, creating thousands of caves and sinkholes, which then gives you cenotes! Click here to continue reading.
our favorite cenotes
If you have already been to a cenote you will understand the obsession. If you have yet to experience this amazing natural occurrence and need a bit of a guide, here are a couple of our favorite cenotes, chosen out of the 40 that we visited personally. Each cenote is completely unique and offers an experience you will remember for life.
where to find a cenote
Where am I going to find a cenote? In the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico!!! So you are planning your holiday, or you have just landed in Mexico and are wondering where and how to incorporate a cenote into your travel? We have broken down each popular travel destination and laid out which cenotes are within that area.
If you simply want an overview of where the cenotes are hiding click here for a map of Yucatan cenotes.
Already know your destination? Simply click on one of the major tourist destinations below to find a cenote near you!
did you know?
Did you know that the Sistema Sac Actun cave system found in Quintana Roo, Mexico is the longest underwater cave system in the WORLD? The Sac Actun System measures approximately 350 km long and is home to roughly 226 cenotes. The research team, called ‘Great Maya Aquifer Project‘, have spent over 15 years, traveling hundreds of kilometers through these caves documenting each connection and have discovered ancient Mayan artifacts, and even extinct flora, and fauna!